
With the help of Forced Oscillation Technique (FOT), prisma20A reliably distinguishes between obstructive and central events. In response to events, prisma20A automatically provides continuous pressure adjustments tailored exactly to the patient‘s needs and thus delivers highly effective treatment. Equipped with the option of combining both CPAP and APAP modes with the comfortable pressure relief softPAP,prisma20A offers a high degree of therapy flexibility. That is our APAP therapy Made in Germany.

With prisma SMART in the plus, we offer modern, reliable APAP therapy featuring integrated connectivity, precise event detection and a high level of patient comfort.
The plus stands for integrated Bluetooth for data transmission to the prisma APP and thus for modern patient self-management.

You‘ll make the right choice with prisma SOFT or prisma SMART! The two innovative, simple-to-use devices complete the prismaLINE spectrum. Benefit from our two all-rounders, pragmatically designed for practical use. That goes for all our products. For we always develop with our partners‘ requirements in mind and create intuitively used devices that are reliable, economical, and state-of-the-art.